Pup Art

Pup Art

New series of illustrations by Ajuga, Inc. We plan to package these for prints to benefit the local Humane Society. The second one is a piece used in last year’s Fur Baby Rocks poster.
The Dumpster Project

The Dumpster Project

Ajuga, Inc. and guest artist Dr. Melissa Thomas-Van Gundy painted these three dumpsters in downtown Elkins, WV last summer to help with the “Elkins Make It Shine” initiative. We chose to paint icons of rural WV in three different but complementary styles....
The Future of Fonts

The Future of Fonts

We ran across a really neat start-up project by the Athens, Greece design firm høly—a font that adjusts its letters as you type. According to its Indiegogo fundraising campaign, “Futuracha Pro is an Open Type Font, which magically adjusts and readjusts as you...
What are those funky little squares?

What are those funky little squares?

That little thingy is a Quick Response Code (QR Code). According to Marc Lyne of SearchEngineLand.com, “They are used to take a piece of information from a transitory media and put it in to your cell phone.” Because of their design, these codes store more data than...
Why Big Brands Hire Small Agencies

Why Big Brands Hire Small Agencies

An recent article by Jami Oetting on HubSpot.com cites the following reasons big brands choose small agencies (note: we already knew all of this but its nice to have it reaffirmed): They’re moving to in-house marketing departments and need partners. They want to...
Featured Writer: Sutton Stokes

Featured Writer: Sutton Stokes

Follow the musings and analysis of Ajuga team member Sutton Stokes on Elkinite.com. Here’s an excerpt of a recent article: It’s not just April Fool’s Day in Elkins (April 1, 2017) Do you know what today is? If your only answer is April Fool’s Day, you don’t live...
Simple Social Media Tips

Simple Social Media Tips

We found this article by sprinklr.com to have some nice, easy social media tips that your customer service. These might not work for all interactions but certainly would be good for retailers: Sign your responses so your customers know they are talking with a human....

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